
Sentence : Subject + Verb

Subject (Kata benda)
1. Noun : Kata benda. Ciri-ciri kata benda dalam bahasa inggris adalah yang berakhiran -ment, -ure, -ion, -er/or, -it, -y, ity.
Contoh : Table, Chair . . . etc

2. Pronoun; Kata ganti. (I, you, they, we, she, he, it)
Contoh : He bet too much at casino

3. Gerund : Subject + ing.
Contoh : Hiking is not my favourite hobby.

4. To Infinite : Menyampaikn tujuan (to + verb)
Contoh : To keep her smile is my priority.

5. Clause : Penyambung subject ke verb.
Contoh : Who you are is not my business!

Verb (Kata kerja)
1. Main Verb
S + V1

Contoh : She goes to office.

2. Auxilliary Verb
Merupakan kata kerja bantu (Tidak boleh diletakkan langsung setelah subject)

  •  To be (be / am, is, are / was, were / been)
Contoh : 
  1. He is a worker
  2. She is beautiful, dengan beautiful sebagai Adjective
  3. We are Studying 
-Ing tidak bisa dipakai jika tidak ada To be

3. Modals (Can, could, shall... etc)
Contoh : I can speak japanese.

4. Has / Have / Had + V3
Contoh :
  • Linus has bought a laptop.
  • The bomb has been defused.


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